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Un-Gendered: Comedy for Change

Un-Gendered: Comedy for Change

From slapstick to satire, comedy comes in various forms and mediums. It can be silly, it can be hurtful, and it can be change making. Novelist George Meredith once said that the true test of a civilization is how comedic ideas and comedy thrive, and that the true test of comedy is if it “awakens thoughtful laughter.”

In the face of complex and entrenched social issues, such as gender roles and stereotypes, comedy is more than expression; it is dissent. At its best comedy forces us to challenge what is, encourages us to laugh freely, and makes us more ‘thoughtful.’

Supporting Feminism: Insights from Indian Men

Supporting Feminism: Insights from Indian Men

If we want more men to support women and feminism, we need to clarify a key point. Feminism is for women. It looks to solve the issues women face, and endeavors to create more equitable opportunities. But, feminism also benefits men. Society doesn’t just place restrictive gender norms on women, men are also expected to meet unrealistic and unfair expectations based on their gender. It’s society’s outdated understanding of manhood that inhibits men from being able to feel and express their full range of emotions. It places worth on a man’s ability to earn a living, over his ability to love and care for his family. It perpetuates violence against women, as it believes men are too animalistic and barbaric to control their baser urges. This system blames women, and in the same breath ignores male victims of abuse and sexual assault. We live in a system that dehumanizes and belittles men. Feminism says men are much more than this.