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Enabling women to live and lead from within,

with their authentic vision, strengths and values, is no longer just a noble cause, but a clear business imperative. At Shenomics, we offer a variety of workshops to allow more women to move through the leadership pipeline, and make a bigger impact in the workplace.

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A few of our signature workshops:


Mindful Leadership

At each stage of your career, the key to success is showing up every moment as our best self. Mindfulness – the practice of engaging fully with the present moment and without judgment – allows us to do just that, and has been proven to lead to a host of powerful benefits from decreasing people’s stress levels to improving focus and clarity, listening and decision-making skills, and contributing to our overall well-being.

Most of all, mindfulness helps to foster greater self-awareness, which in turn leads to greater choices, and therefore, greater possibilities for how you can shape yourself and your career. This workshop is designed to equip professional women with Mindfulness tools that can positively impact their personal and professional life, and allow them to adopt a more fulfilling and balanced approach to work.

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Mindfully Happy

As women, we often place the happiness of others above our own, or we tie our sense of self-worth, and therefore happiness, to our level of success. However, there has been a tremendous of research done in the field of happiness, all of which proves that it is not success that leads to happiness, but the other way around.

When we focus on our happiness, it has benefits for every area of our life, including our level of focus, productivity, as well as the quality of our relationships at work. This workshop guides women on creating a permanent blueprint for happiness and success through powerful changes in one’s mindset and behavior.

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Mindful Presence

We all know people who can light up a room. The minute they open their mouth, they are able to command our attention, and capture our hearts and imagination with their charm, charisma and a genuine connection. A powerful presence is the foundation of professional and personal effectiveness and influence for women.

The more dynamic and authentic your presence, the more impact you can make in your work, your business and your relationships. This workshop is designed to give aspiring women practical tools and techniques for presenting themselves confidently, authentically and impactfully.

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Mindful Branding

An inability or a reluctance to promote ourselves is routinely cited as one of the major pitfalls for the advancement of women in business. Whereas all of the research on women and career advancement suggests that consciously crafting and confidently communicating an authentic personal brand helps professional women stand out amongst their peers, earn greater respect and admiration, and become more successful in achieving their career aspirations.

In this workshop, we guide the process of identifying, building, and clearly articulating and communicating, both verbally and non-verbally, a personal brand that helps professional women confidently communicate their value proposition, and increase their visibility, power and influence.

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Mindful Communication

Every time we speak, whether it is to an audience of one or many, we have an opportunity to cultivate our personal brand, build relationships, and influence and inspire others to action. Being able to speak with impact, therefore, is key for every aspiring woman leader.

In this workshop, we guide women on how they can find and express their authentic voice, and do so in manner that conveys confidence, inspires trust, and builds a genuine connection with the audience by aligning your thoughts, values and vision with them.

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    Mindful Leadership for Aspiring Women

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