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The Conscious Woman Program

A 4-Month Leadership Accelerator By Women For Women To Consciously Reinvent Their Life and Career.

So you can finally do the work that makes your soul happy, express yourself fully, and find your unique and authentic voice with a Holistic Inside-Out Approach…

Do you feel a longing to…

  • Step into the highest and best version of yourself?
  • Make a big impact in your career or your business with your leadership?
  • Share you story and your ideas with authenticity?
  • Create a kinder and a more compassionate world? 
  • Discover greater purpose, joy and fulfillment?

If yes…

Then we want to take you on a transformational journey to

  • Lead and live with greater awareness – of yourself, of others, and the world.
  • Build uncommon courage and compassion
  • Magnify your influence and impact as an authentic leader.

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“I joined this program because I wanted to lead, mainly from my head and shatter the glass ceiling with a mighty head-butt. The Conscious Woman Program, however, became a catalyst for inner change in me. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being the guiding stars, leading by example and for empowering me with the tools to forge ahead, not with blind ambition, but with a balance of compassion and action ––– I no longer wish to shatter the glass ceiling but to build bridges, bigger tables and grander heart-scapes. Thank you for flipping the switch.”

Hiran Gooty

Senior Consultant & Senior Vice President,
Northern Trust

What is the Conscious Woman Program?

The Conscious Woman program by Shenomics is a holistic leadership development program for aspiring women grounded in principles of mindful and compassionate leadership. 

It is intended for a new generation of women leaders who have a deep desire to

  • Evolve into their highest and best selves, 
  • Lead and live with authenticity, courage and compassion 
  • Craft a meaningful career that feels purposeful, joyful and impactful

In short, an intention to lead and live consciously.

This Program that has now created proven results for thousands of women is a 4-month virtual leadership journey that features a combination of 

  • Shenomics’ award-winning mindful leadership curriculum, delivered through 7 LIVE modules 
  • A conscious group-coaching program 
  • Mentoring by world’s leading experts and mentors
  • A Compassion Project to pay-it-forward
  • A thriving Community of like-minded, ambitious and heart-centered women leaders 
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Our Alums are from leading organizations

“Thank you Shenomics and the entire team for such a wonderful program and giving us a platform to live our best life, as well as create an impact in the society through conscious leadership and compassion.”

Alpa Asher

Manager Policy Implementation And Process Monitoring, HDFC

Is this Program Right For Me?

The Conscious Woman program is for aspiring women from all walks of life – corporate professionals, entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, non-profit leaders, creators – who share a passion for becoming the best version of themselves, and the commitment to use their talents, influence and ambition to elevate the lives of all those around them.

Join this program if you wish to build –

Self-Awareness: Deepen your self-awareness so you can live and lead as your best, most authentic self

Authentic Brand: Craft a meaningful career and professional brand that allows you to lead with influence, compassion and a courageous vision

Courage: Build courage and confidence, and make the mindset shifts necessary to overcome any obstacles, thoughts or beliefs that are getting in your way of pursuing your most cherished goals and dreams

Presence: Create the kind of presence and charisma that gets you noticed, heard, seen and respected for the value that you bring

Powerful Voice: Discover and assert a unique voice with which to express yourself boldly and unapologetically in the world

Influence: Magnify your influence and lead with or without authority

Community: Build a mutually supportive network and community that supports you in amplifying your work

Conscious Habits: Anchor your ongoing growth on a foundation of conscious habits that continue to support your evolution, leadership and well-being.

This program is not for you if

You won’t have the time and space to give this program your 100%: This program requires your full focus and attention to learning, reflecting on and most importantly, taking action on your goals. If you do not have sufficient time or energy to devote to taking action, this program will not yield the desired results for you.  

You don’t feel inclined to help others who are on a similar growth journey as you: We’ve seen magic happen when like-minded women create a psychologically-safe and judgment-free space for other women to express themselves fully in. As the African proverb goes: “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”  

You feel you already have all the answers: One of the most fundamental principles in mindfulness is that of a Beginner’s Mind – when we approach ideas with a sense of curiosity, we learn more and grow more from applying them consistently. If you feel you have already gathered a lot of information from other courses, and are not ready to empty your cup and apply yourself in a renewed way, this program may not be for you.  

You are not willing or able to take full responsibility for consciously creating the life and career you desire: We promise we will you give our 200% in supporting you and nudging you towards your goals, but taking action on your goals is 100% your responsibility. The more you own that, the bigger the transformation you will see at the end of our journey together.  

You are at a very early stage in your career with not enough experience to draw on ( <5 years): Most of the women who go through this program have significant life and work experience to draw upon, which adds to the richness of learning and idea-sharing that happens inside of the program.  


I’m looking for a select group of dedicated 30 Women leaders who are 100% committed and ready to consciously design their life and career  

And if you’re one of them, you’re welcomed with open arms to join this sisterhood community. 

Through a combination of deep inner work (mindfulness-based self-awareness) and powerful outer work (building of practical skills and leadership capabilities), we support you in growing and shining in a way that is authentic and impactful. 

What Graduates of This Program Have to Say…

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“Thank you Shenomics team for taking us through this incredible transformational journey of mindful and compassionate leadership. Last 6 months program helped me in discovering myself and empower others to do same.”

Mariya Soniya

Director – Engineering, Athenahealth

Key components of the program

The Conscious Woman Journey rests on these 5 pillars


Throughout the journey, you will be welcomed, supported and propelled forward by a community of women that believe in becoming the highest version of themselves, and in supporting other women on that journey.

Conscious Curriculum

‘The Conscious Woman’ rests on 5 core learning themes.

  • Conscious Clarity
  • Courage & Compassion
  • Connection with Self & others
  • Capabilities & Charisma
  • Care and Centeredness


  • Group Coaching: You will be a part of a a smaller group that will be coached by an expert and certified coach, using Shenomics’ Conscious Coaching Framework.


Throughout the program, we will invite a wide variety of Indian and international mentors and experts to come and share their journey and their insights with the cohort.

Compassion Project

  • To facilitate learning by doing, each participant will undertake a Compassion Project
  • You will be invited to design and execute any initiative of your choice that positively impacts the lives of 50 women (and men)
Pillar 1

The Conscious Curriculum

The Conscious Woman is intentional about practicing a set of conscious habits that helps her express the best of who she is and wishes to become. In the process, she crafts an aspirational identity grounded in a vision that is most meaningful to her. 


  • Deepen your awareness of who you are, what makes you unique, what makes you shine, and what is the most exciting vision that you have for yourself and for the world 


  • Convert that vision into a set of powerful habits that help you bring that vision to life


  • Create a strong foundation for your personal and professional growth that prioritizes your self-care, and helps you live and lead with greater balance, happiness and well-being

The Conscious Woman believes in living and leading with compassion. She wants to use the sum total of her talents, passions and unique vision to help build a kinder world.  


  • Explore and find your Ikigai by discovering what lies at the intersection of your passions, talents and contributions


  • Design an initiative of your choice that allows you to positively impact the lives of at least 25 other people, and create your unique expression of compassion in the world


  • Build your visibility and brand as a conscious leader 

The Conscious Woman leads with an authentic and a visibly powerful brand.  


  • Craft a clear, authentic and powerful brand that is grounded in a set of values that are most valuable to you


  • Use a powerful framework to uncover the core aspects of your brand to create a unique and compelling brand statement


  • Create your individualized plan to make your brand more visible so you can more effectively connect with and influence the people you would most like to positively impact

The Conscious Woman is the embodiment of courage and compassion. She knows that to do the work she would like to do – the inner work and the outer work – she will need at times the courage to take bold leaps that propel her forward, and at times, a quiet confidence and compassion that keeps her on the path even when things become difficult or uncertain. 


  • Explore what it means to you to show up with more courage


  • Understand the science behind what most creates self-doubt and the Impostor Syndrome, and use a powerful framework to take bold action, even in the face of uncertainty and discomfort


  • Ground your courage in both tender and fierce self-compassion so that you become your own biggest cheerleader at every step of your journey

The Conscious Woman prioritizes relationships – both her relationship to herself, and to others. She seeks to create win-win outcomes in all her relationships because she understands that you cannot create impact with your work without the support of others. 

Key Outcomes: 

  • Build emotional intelligence that allows you to more skillfully manage your feelings and emotions, as well as those of others, in a way that supports your growth


  • Build a mutually-supportive network and a community of like-minded individuals that helps you in amplifying your work. 


  • Learn how to network even as an introvert with limited time, energy and effort by prioritizing a few key relationships that will have the maximum impact in your career


  • Leverage the power of mindful giving to build your network where you equally guide and lead others towards their goals

The Conscious Woman knows that her voice is one of her strongest assets, and she asserts that voice with confidence yet authenticity to express herself and her ideas.


  • Learn how to communicate with clarity, brevity and influence


  • Learn how to leverage both warmth and competence to positively influence those around you, even in tough situations 


  • Build an authentic, powerful and charismatic presence that gets you noticed, heard and taken seriously

The Conscious Woman knows that with or without authority she can still wield considerable influence with her ideas and her work


  • Create the kind of alignment with others that allows you to create more win-win outcomes


  • Use a powerful framework to navigate tough or difficult conversations with ease and grace


  • Build the kind of business and strategic acumen that allows you to be more confident in forming a longer-term vision that inspires and guides others.
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Pillar 2

Conscious Coaching

In the Conscious Woman program, we offer you 3 levels of support

  • Group Coaching: Each participant is placed in a smaller group of 4-5 participants, and you meet with your group a total of 4-5 times virtually over the course of the program for 90-minute group coaching sessions. The coaching circles promote a culture of kindness, compassion and empathy, and the process aims at creating a strong bond of sisterhood among the participants. The group-coaching format is designed to have a similar outcome as a one-on-one coaching conversation in that you will end each session with making a commitment to take the next best action towards your goals. 


  • Peer Support: Each participant will also be matched with another participant in the program so you can be of service to one another as a friend, confidante, and accountability partner, and support each other’s journey to become a more conscious woman and leader. The peer-peer support further aims at deepening the bond of sisterhood among all participants.


  • Individualized Coaching (Optional): You can further opt for individualized coaching, through which we aim to provide the highest level of support to the participants in the program. One of our mindfulness-trained coaches will work with you one-on-one to help you deepen your awareness of your aspirations and challenges, clarify your goals, and support you in taking the necessary steps to achieve your unique vision for yourself and the world.
Pillar 3

Conscious Conversations

Throughout the Conscious Woman program, we invite world’s leading mentors and experts to share their best learnings with you, and engage directly in conversations with you, so you have the opportunity to get inspired and learn from leaders who are walking their talk.

Our Guest Experts share their wisdom and knowledge on variety of important and relevant topics, including: 

  • Self-Awareness
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Conscious Visibility
  • Strategic Thinking
  • Networking
Pillar 4

The Compassion Project

At Shenomics, we are big believers in learning by doing.  A core component of the Conscious Woman program is the Compassion Project that allows you to make a positive contribution in the communities you belong to in the workplace and beyond.  

You are asked to design and execute any initiative of your choice that allows to positively influence and impact the lives of at least 25 women (and men).

The objectives of the Compassion Project include

  • Build your visibility and brand as a leader in your field of work
  • Grow and learn in all the ways that you wish to 
  • Make a wider ripple effect in the world with the sum total of your talents, values and vision

“There was something beautiful about this Program… each module came as a wave, gently transforming us! I could not have chosen a better program than this, when I started looking around for a learning course for #PersonalGrowth with a deep desire to becoming the “Best version of Myself” agenda on my mind!”

Shini John
(Former) Country Manager – India Subcontinent – Beam Suntory
Pillar 5


At Shenomics, one of our core values is sisterhood.  We believe when women come together as part of a community that believes in shared values and goals, we all rise individually and collectively with greater purpose and confidence. When you join the Conscious Woman program, you become part of a community that will support you every step of the way.

Wait, there’s more. Exciting Bonuses!

Bonus 1

Leading with Joyful Balance

The Conscious Woman cannot do the magnificent work that she wishes to do in the world unless she is prioritizing her self-care, renewal and energy. 


  • Uncover your personal definition of happiness, balance and well-being so that you can intentionally make space for each of these in a way that works for you. 


  • Design your day and manage your energy so that you can devote your time and attention to the people and projects that are most important to you. 


  • Ritualize self-care in a way that nourishes you and gives you the energy you need to do your highest work.
Bonus 2

Leading with Confident Communication

Every woman has a powerful story to share, and she longs to share her story and her ideas with authenticity. 

Confident communications is going to be one of the most prized skills for any professional and leader in the future world of work, and the good news is that with just a few tools and plenty of practice, this skill can become your biggest super-power!


  • Use an authenticity framework to speak up, and share your voice, even if you are an introvert, and even in the face of doubt or uncertainty 


  • Learn how to become a better, more persuasive and a more inspirational story-teller


  • Learn how to dramatically improve your public-speaking skills, and emotionally connect with any audience
Bonus 3

Leading with Self-Compassion

The Conscious Woman lives and leads with compassion – towards herself, and others. Research has now proven that self-compassion can be a strong foundation for courage and authenticity, and this masterclass is designed to help you become your biggest cheer-leader on your journey!


  • Understand the science behind self-compassion, and how it supports you in becoming a more influential leader


  • Learn how to build unshakeable confidence on the back of self-compassion that allows you to aim higher, reach higher, and take more risks in any sphere of your life or career


  • Acquire a powerful tool-kit for self-compassion that you can keep coming back to over and over again as you take one step after another on your journey to greater success, happiness and growth
Bonus 4

You and a friend are invited to our annual Summit – The Conscious Woman Summit. 

The Conscious Woman Summit is a one-of-a-kind 2-day immersive experience for you to learn from and engage with other conscious woman and leaders, virtually.

It is not just an ordinary conference, the Summit is a movement by us to encourage conscious individuals and leaders in creating a more inclusive and compassionate world for all. Each year, we initiate revolutionary thinking and dialogue around conscious living and leading, and spark meaningful action among individuals to create conscious communities everywhere.

The Conscious Woman Summit covers:

  • Over 30 speakers including international coaches, business leaders, and conscious living experts, sharing their powerful insights and actionable strategies.


  • An opportunity to network with like-minded conscious women and leaders with 1000+ attendees from across the world


  • Panels and Workshops on themes such as Conscious Leadership, Conscious Inclusion, Conscious Consumption, Conscious Finance, Conscious Finance, Conscious Parenting and more…


  • The Conscious Woman Summit is valued at INR 5,000 and entry is on an INVITE-ONLY basis. But right now, as part of your enrolment into the program, you’ll get 2 passes to this exclusive leadership summit, happening next year In-Person for the first time, for absolutely FREE!
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“I found so many valuable lessons and frameworks of using mindfulness in leadership. Importantly, I met some phenomenal women who were part of the journey I’ve had, and interacted with some knowledgeable and reflective leaders. From where I started as a slightly unsure, anxiety ridden, new returnee to corporate work (coming out of a sabbatical second time had taken its toll) to where I am now and how I feel is vastly different.

The big change for me is also the discipline of using every Saturday on reflection and self development which I hope to continue. Much gratitude to Shenomics!”

Kavya Dwaraki

Product Marketing Manager – Apps, Data and AI Services


The Conscious Woman

Your Guiding Hosts

Bhavna Toor

Bhavna Toor is the Founder and CEO of Shenomics.

Puja Mathur

Puja is a Senior Leadership Coach with Shenomics.

Sreelakshmi B

Sreelakshmi is the Head of Client Engagements at Shenomics.

Bhavna Toor

Bhavna Toor is the Founder and CEO of Shenomics. Passionate about the intersection of mindful leadership and women’s leadership, Bhavna has been designing and delivering mindfulness-based leadership training and coaching programs for women at leading Fortune 100 organizations for over 8 years, enabling women to realize their highest leadership potential and make a bigger impact in the world by leading from within.

Her previous roles include being a Vice President and Client Portfolio Manager at Lazard in New York, a CEO for the National Social Entrepreneurship Forum, and an Entrepreneur-in-Residence at the GSF Global Accelerator. Bhavna was named an “Iconic Woman Creating A Better World For All” by the Women’s Economic Forum. She has an MBA from NYU-Stern School of Business, and grew up in six different countries.

Puja Mathur

Puja is a Senior Leadership Coach with Shenomics. Her 23+ years of leadership experience with leading global multinationals, such as Salesforce, Oracle, and Diligent – where she was most recently the Country Manager leading multi- disciplinary teams across regions – has won Puja multiple awards for leading teams to success.

After leading a much celebrated corporate career as a Technology Sales leader, Puja felt a strong calling to devote the next phase of her career to helping women, as their coach, to achieve their highest potential at work and home.

Puja is associated with the Humanitarian Coaching Network, coaching clients in the U.N. and its affiliates, across ASEAN countries. She is a Member of Council, Karnataka, Culture and Tourism Sector, WICCI (Women’s India Chamber of Commerce and Industry), and is also a volunteer member at MentorKart.

Puja comes with wide-reaching global experience, having worked across Europe and India, and has represented the Indian Software industry at the Belgo Indian Chamber of Commerce in Brussels. An MBA and Electrical Engineer by education, she is a certified coach from Coacharya, with over 200 coaching hours.

Sreelakshmi B

Sreelakshmi is the Head of Client Engagements at Shenomics. She is a hyper-learner who values personal growth and what it takes to live and lead consciously. She deeply values relationships, both professional and personal. She thrives when she contributes to creating and giving life to an idea or a project. She values differences in thoughts, words and actions and enjoy working with people who want to create a better world where everyone is valued and respected.

She learnt digital product making @Xperian and has created digital products using nocode. She is passionate about teaching or simplifying personal finance and creates digital products and writes at

Sreelakshmi has a decade of experience in financial services and Capital Markets. She worked in CTS / UBS Investment Bank for almost 7 years in varied roles and led teams in Counterparty Risk Management and Collateral Management space.

She also worked in WNS as a Senior Reviewer where they analyzed mergers and acquisitions for Merger Market.

She is interested in improving financial literacy, in user research, product design, program design, social impact, educating girls, and women in leadership.

Conscious Woman

Guest Experts & Mentors


Dr Annuu Gupta


Dalia Feldheim


Jo Wagstaff


Payal Nanjiani


Pooja Shahani


Savitha Nanjappa


Ekta Kumar

Phychologist, clinician, author, consultant, speaker

Dr Joan Rosenberg

Executive Director - Cloud Solutions, Microsoft India

Irina Ghose

Mentor of Change - NITI Aayog, Founder - SupportSaturdays, Life Wellness Coach, Head - Analytics & Digital Communication with a leading large NBFC

Poonam Vijay Thakkar


Dr Annuu Gupta

Dr Annuu Gupta is a weight loss consultant, radiologist, author, and a thought leader in the fields of nutrition and preventive medicine. Her pioneering work in the prevention and treatment of overweight and obesity, and addictive and binge-eating disorders has been published in leading newspapers of the country.

After having successfully dropped the extra 25 kgs from her body, she runs a thriving international weight management practice. Her liberating approach to weight loss draws on cutting edge techniques from neuroscience, cognitive behavioural therapy and psychology. Her book Weight-Wise Revolution has been the Amazon bestseller for over a year, and has changed lives across the globe. 

Dr Gupta – trained Weight & Health Coach, and Master NLP Coach from San Diego, USA – has helped busy professionals, working moms, CEOs and business owners take control of overeating and stress, and add more ease, success and joy to their health, businesses and lives. She has also led many workshops on topics like: her unique behavioural blueprint to manage the mind-body, nutritional and fitness challenges associated with weight and body composition management at any age, perimenopause and menopause, binge eating, addictive eating, and the metabolic syndrome. She is a mother of two beautiful kids, a voracious reader and a runner. She has also been practicing Vipassana meditation since the age of 12.



Dalia Feldheim

Dalia Feldheim, founder of Flow Leadership Consultancy, draws on her own extensive corporate leadership experience and her passion for championing others, to enable organisations promote a more authentic, happy and psychologically-safe working culture. Before founding Flow Leadership Consultancy, Dalia spent over two decades as a C-suite global marketing executive where she led work on some of the world’s most iconic ad campaigns – two of them being ‘Tampax Mother Nature’ and ‘Always like a girl‘.

Dalia holds an Executive Masters degree in Consulting and Coaching for Change from INSEAD business school (Organisational Psychology) along with a Happiness Facilitator diploma from the Happiness Studies Academy.

She teaches ‘The Science of Happiness and Suffering’ as an Adjunct Professor at the Singapore Management University, is an executive coach and an international speaker including Tedx Dec 19.

Dalia’s book ‘Dare to Lead like a Girl’ is scheduled for release end of 2020.

She is a mother of three and wife to an entrepreneur husband; and finally in order to keep her life in Flow, she is
also a certified yoga instructor. To find out more, pls visit her website.


Jo Wagstaff

I spent almost 20 years working in senior leadership roles in the Australian financial services industry, obtaining all the material things and achieving all I thought I needed to achieve to be ‘happy’, before realising that I wasn’t.

As a woman in my 40s I have spent much of my life ‘searching’. When I look back I am not even sure what I thought I was searching for – at different times money, control, validation, success, excitement, freedom, power, safety, family, love. But most of the time what I was really doing was running away – from myself, from my feelings, my fears, my hurts, my reality, my sense of unworthiness. And often denying my true self, including my values, dreams, purpose, femininity, strengths and talents. Eventually I hit an emotional, mental and spiritual rock bottom and I stopped. I stopped running and searching.

As I began to take off my many masks and defences, unravel my past patterns and tap into an inner wisdom, I began the real journey – to meet my authentic self (as well as my not-so-authentic self!) and learn, very gradually, to show up in this world authentically. Perfectly imperfect. It is a daily practice.

I retrained, studied psychotherapy and coaching and became a Search Inside Yourself (Born at Google. Based on Brain Science) Accredited Teacher. I am now an executive coach, facilitator and keynote speaker, and work with many leading Australian and global companies to support them to develop mindful and authentic leaders and compassionate and engaged cultures. What I am most passionate about is inspiring and supporting myself and all women to find their inner voice – to feel confident, calm and connected. To care for themselves as much as they do others. To live a truly authentic and meaningful life.

I am a mother of a wonderful 15 year old teenager and have faced many of the struggles that come with juggling a successful career with that of a family and creating meaning, fun and authenticity in my life. I love to dance, meditate, be in the ocean, travel, be in nature and spend time with friends and family.


Payal Nanjiani

Recognized by the media for redefining leadership, Payal Nanjiani is a globally acclaimed Indian-American leadership expert and executive coach. Her keynotes, workshops, coaching, and books have inspired millions of people around the world to develop a leadership mindset and succeed – no matter what. She is the founder of ‘Success Is Within Leadership’ and has been instrumental in introducing the concept at many corporates and universities.

Payal’s work has been embraced by corporate America and organisations across the globe ranging from Fortune 500 Companies, mid-size organisations, and management institutions to celebrity CEOs, entrepreneurs, government officials, and universities. Her advice gets you to your next level no matter what. 

Her books, which are published by leading publishers in New York, are popular worldwide amongst leaders and corporates, making her a truly global phenomenon. She has been featured on television, global magazines, newspapers, podcasts, and more. She is a regular speaker on America’s 88.1 FM.

Payal lives with the philosophy that leadership starts and ends with us, and believes that success can be achieved with both speed and serenity. You can know more about her and her work through her official website.


Pooja Shahani

Pooja Shahani is a recognised and respected diversity, equity and inclusion executive with over 10 years of experience with multinational organisations and nonprofits in India, Hong Kong and the US. Over the course of Pooja’s career, she has advised, designed and implemented inclusion strategies across organisations using a research driven and creative approach.

In her previous role, she was leading the Diversity and Inclusion strategy of Goldman Sachs, Bengaluru, where she was responsible for conceptualising the firm’s inclusion strategy, and implementing it firm wide. Prior to Goldman Sachs, she worked as the Country Manager, India for Community Business, a corporate social responsibility and diversity & inclusion consulting practice headquartered in Hong Kong.

Pooja is a sought-after speaker and facilitator at industry conferences. She partnered with NASSCOM to deliver workshops across India on LGBTQ+ inclusion in the workplace. In addition, she has received the “Global Diversity Leadership” award by the World HRD Congress for her contribution in the diversity space in 2015 and 2016. She is the co-author of a publication called “Diversity & Inclusion: Building the Business Case – Stories from India”.

Pooja holds a Bachelors of Liberal Arts from Middlebury College, USA. She has also completed the Stanford Graduate Business School Ignite Program on Innovation and Entrepreneurship. She is also a certified StrengthsFinder coach, and is currently pursuing her coaching certification with the International Coaching Federation (ICF).


Savitha Nanjappa

Transformational Success Coach, entrepreneur, ex-corporate woman, wife, mom and feminist dedicated to helping you succeed. Success With Savitha a global coaching platform found by Savitha that primarily helps budding entrepreneurs launch their brands and strengthen the bottom line of their business as they scale.

Savitha, the founder of Success With Savitha, completed her MBA in Marketing from T.A. Pai Institute, Manipal and proceeded to make her mark in the corporate world, where she supercharged the growth of brands like Airtel, ICICI Prudential, Telenor, Novo Nordisk, and Tata Docomo. After taking a break to deal with a challenging pregnancy in 2013, Savitha decided to take the entrepreneurial route instead. Armed with her corporate experience of 17 years, she started her image consulting agency in 2016 to help young women and men take confident steps in the corporate world (She is also a certified Image Consultant from the Image Consulting Business Institute, India and Conselle, USA).

However, she soon realized that personal image is only a part of the whole, so she launched her flourishing coaching business Success with Savitha to orient young folks for well-rounded success. Currently, Savitha works with clients across 6 countries to equip them with practical knowledge to launch their brands and scale their business sustainably. She also frequently shares her knowledge with ambitious and impressionable young folk at corporate training programs and business retreats, panels, and talks.



Ekta Kumar

Ekta Kumar, Country Lead – CSR, Shell India, has been on a journey of purpose-led career and mindful living for the last few years. She possesses 20 years of social impact and change management experience spanning a wide spectrum of industries from banking, consulting and telecom to energy, where she has held global, country and regional leadership roles.

Apart from being skilled in corporate social responsibility; circular economy and sustainable development; brand and reputation management; community and stakeholder engagement; change and program management; customer experience and business excellence (lean six sigma black belt) – Ekta is passionate about building a more sustainable world by leveraging current skills, and continuously learning new ones.

She is an alumna of Indian School of Business, and has previously held leadership positions at ICICI Bank, Deloitte and Airtel.

Phychologist, clinician, author, consultant, speaker

Dr Joan Rosenberg

Dr. Joan Rosenberg, a cutting-edge psychologist with over 35 years of clinical practice, is known as an innovative thinker, acclaimed speaker and trainer. As a two-time TEDx speaker and member of the Association of Transformational Leaders, she has been recognised for her thought leadership and influence in personal development.

Dr. Rosenberg speaks on how to build confidence, emotional strength, and resilience while achieving emotional, conversational and relationship mastery. She is a professor of graduate psychology at Pepperdine University and her latest book, 90 Seconds to a Life you Love: How to Master Your Difficult Feelings to Cultivate Lasting Confidence, Resilience and Authenticity, was released in February 2019.

Dr. Rosenberg has been a featured expert in multiple documentaries and seen on CNN’s American Morning, ABC, CBS, FOX, PBS, and OWN networks; seen in Forbes, Inc. and Women’s World and has made appearances and radio interviews in major metropolitan markets.

Executive Director - Cloud Solutions, Microsoft India

Irina Ghose

As the leader for Microsoft’s Cloud Solutions in India, Irina is responsible for empowering Cloud Adoption and Digital Transformation by engaging with customers and partners to envision and architect their digital growth strategy.

She leads a team of Cloud Specialists &amp; Technical Evangelists with diverse capabilities across Microsoft’s five solution areas and, additionally, she heads the India Microsoft Technology Center, an experience centre that provides customers access to innovative technologies and
world-class expertise.

A Microsoft veteran for nearly two decades, Irina has held a variety of Strategy and Sales leadership roles across our Enterprise and Education segments, focusing on Business management, Operations, Partnerships, Innovations and New business initiatives.

She is an Electrical Engineer from IIT BHU and an MBA from XLRI. A proponent of Women in Business and Technology, she is a recipient of the ‘Inspirational Women’s Award’ at Microsoft. Besides being a marathon runner and a music lover, she is a strong champion of Diversity & Inclusion. She is the founder of MyLittleBit, a philanthropic foundation focusing on education and employment for underprivileged girls. She’s also actively engaged with startups with ‘Microsoft for Startups’ and as a Trustee with ‘SonderConnect’, a foundation for women entrepreneurs.

Mentor of Change - NITI Aayog, Founder - SupportSaturdays, Life Wellness Coach, Head - Analytics & Digital Communication with a leading large NBFC

Poonam Vijay Thakkar

Poonam Vijay Thakkar is a Mentor of Change for NITI Aayog (GOI), Founder of SupportSaturdays, Life Wellness Coach, and Head – Analytics & Digital Communications with a leading large NBFC. With close to two decades of rich experience and leadership, she is an award-winning, 360-degree surround marketing, customer and digital leadership champion.

A highly self-driven professional from the BFSI domain, with deep-rooted knowledge of the industry and the customer, Poonam enjoys building brands through honed business expansion led marketing strategies carved alongside directional and operational efficiencies, while simultaneously keeping a sharp eye on the top line of the business. Her brand marketing consultancy portfolio includes OTT platforms, NGOs, infrastructure (mining), sports fitness brands, business channels, advertising agencies, and digital startups.

Poonam is an alumna of IIM-A, Google certified Ad-Word specialist, BBA-MBA with dual specialisation in Marketing and HR, a certified Six Sigma Green Belt, and an internationally certified (ICF & CAA accredited) life wellness coach.

What you get


7 Online Learning Modules

7 Online Learning Modules of 120 minutes in duration that will be delivered live to the entire cohort at designated dates and times.

3 Bonus Masterclasses

3 Bonus Masterclasses

4-5 small group coaching sessions

4-5 small group coaching sessions of 90-minutes each to allow you to work on your goals in a safe and supportive space

One-on-One mentoring

One-on-One mentoring calls with a seasoned leader or industry expert

Weekly resources

Weekly resources, worksheets and reflections to support your ongoing learning, growth and experience

Peer-Peer support

Peer-Peer support from a community of like-minded conscious women

Access to a growing community of Mentors, Experts and Coaches

Access to a growing community of Mentors, Experts and Coaches that are deeply committed to supporting your highest growth

An opportunity to integrate your learnings

 An opportunity to integrate your learnings and embody your vision through the Compassion Project

Membership into an exclusive, growing community

Membership into an exclusive, growing community of conscious women leaders that want to live and lead with mindfulness and compassion

A Certificate of Completion

A Certificate of Completion

Thank you for putting together such an amazing program with such cool folks and a fantastic team – it’s been a great way to get to know some really inspiring women leaders.”

Sunita V

Senior Director – Data Engineering, Leading U.S. Retailer

Kind Words for Our Work

Frequently asked questions

The Conscious Woman program is for any aspiring woman leader, at the mid-senior career level or beyond, from any background, who has a deep desire to become the best version of herself, and make a greater impact in the world. This includes corporate professionals, entrepreneurs, executives, women in transition, women currently on a break, creatives, writers, artists, solopreneurs, and more. We welcome any woman willing to invest in her future and the future of our world by learning what it means to live and lead consciously.

If you are below 30 years of age, we would encourage you to apply for the Lead Like a Girl Fellowship Program instead.

The program is a 4-month program. The next batch begins June 15th. Program runs till October 26th.

The Last date for applying for the next batch is June 12th

Currently, the schedule for the Live Training and Mentoring Sessions is as follows –

Orientation – June 15th

Module 1 Leading with Self-Awareness- July 6th

Module 2 Leading with Compassion – July 27th

Module 3 Leading with an Authentic Brand – August 10th

Module 4 Leading with Courage – August 24th

Module 5 Leading with a Strong Network – Sept 7th

Module 6 Leading with a Powerful Voice – Sept 21th

Module 7 Leading with Influence – Sept 28th

Graduation – October 26th

The entire program is 4-months in duration. Each month, you will have

  • 2 live training sessions of up to 120-minutes in duration,
  • 2 group mentoring sessions with one of our Guest Experts of up to 60 minutes
  • 1 group coaching session of up to 90 minutes.
  • Plus any additional time you may choose to spend on any course readings, reflections and challenges.

Therefore, you are looking at a monthly time commitment of 7-8 hours.

Please note all training and mentoring sessions take place of Saturdays, and the group coaching session is scheduled based on everyone’s convenience.

We would highly recommend that you attend the live training, mentoring and coaching sessions so that you get the full experience of the program, and benefit to the fullest extent. However, given your schedule if you are not able to attend a live session, a recording and a summary of each session will be made available to you.

Yes, since this is a fully virtual program, you can choose to join from any part of the world. In fact, we would strongly encourage and support the building of a global sisterhood.

To obtain the certificate, you must complete all aspects of the program, including the training modules, the small group coaching sessions, and the Compassion Project.

The program is valued at INR 51,000 + Taxes (USD 750). We have an installment option available should you need it.

Yes, we have had many participants get full or partial sponsorship from their organizations.  We can share a sponsorship letter with you to present to your employer.

Here’s Our Sincere Guarantee 

We’ve build this program with a lot of heart and effort, on a foundation of 10-years of intense research and deep insights into what it really takes to:

  • Express yourself fully as a woman (without needing anyone’s permission)
  • Build courage to live your authentic self and inspire others along the way
  • Craft a career where you don’t have to sacrifice your true self and values

With the Conscious Women Program, you’ll achieve all of this and more.

But if you don’t think this is the best program you’ve ever attended, we’ll give you a full refund. No Questions Asked!

Just email us at within 15 days of joining the program and you’ll get a full refund.


I’m not asking you to say yes or no today, I’m just asking you to make an informed decision. And the only way you can make a fully informed decision is by getting inside the program and “testing it out” for yourself.

Join the program to see if everything I say is true and valuable to you. Then, if it is, and only if it is, you can decide to continue your journey with us.

If you think it’s not for you, no hard feelings.

I can give you such a BOLD guarantee only because I fundamentally believe this program can completely change your work and life. And I’m confident that when you sign up for The Conscious Woman Program, you’ll be significantly transformed within just 4 months.

So, if you think there’s even the slightest chance The Conscious Woman Program can work for you, enroll today.

That’s it.

“Amidst the chaos I was going through, this course really pushed me to pause and reflect on many dimensions of my life. Each module is beautifully designed, deeply thought through and well moderated. Meeting so many accomplished women leaders through this programme was truly inspiring. Knowing that they had similar challenges and fears, and how they were able to overcome them was very assuring for me. Thank you for creating this platform to connect and learn from these wonderful women.

Personally for me, the moments of ” pause to reflect ” during the session were the most powerful. It was not easy, but by the end of the course I learnt the importance of it. I will be carrying the many learning from the programme as I move forward from here and hoping to practice mindfulness on all aspects of life.”

Menake Khare

Project Manager, Indihood

Here’s Everything You Get Inside
The Conscious Woman Program:

7 Live Training Modules
Each 120 minutes in duration that will be delivered live to the entire cohort at designated dates and times.
7 Group Mentoring Sessions
Receive valuable group mentoring directly from the world's leading experts and mentors. Get your most burning questions answered and benefit from their profound insights.
4 Group Coaching Sessions
articipate in 4-5 small group coaching sessions, each lasting 90 minutes. This supportive and safe space enables you to focus on your goals, empowering you to achieve them.
2 One-on-One Mentoring Calls
Experience personalized guidance with one-on-one mentoring calls led by seasoned leaders or industry experts. Propel your leadership journey forward with their expert advice.
3 Bonus Masterclasses
Dive deep into three exclusive masterclasses covering essential topics such as leading with joyful balance, powerful communication, and self-compassion
2 Passes to The Conscious Woman Summit
Immerse yourself fully into a rich learning and networking experience with other conscious women over 2 full days at the virtual Conscious Woman Summit. And, invite a friend!
Resources and Support
Access weekly resources, enriching worksheets, and reflective materials to support your ongoing learning, growth, and overall experience.
Value : Priceless
Peer-Peer support
Engage with a vibrant community of like-minded conscious women who provide invaluable support, encouragement, and shared experiences.
Value : Priceless
Compassion Project
Embody your vision and integrate your learnings through the Compassion Project. Receive a certificate of completion as a testament to your personal growth.
Value : Priceless
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Time Is Of The Essence… 

If you’re on the fence about joining The Conscious Woman Program – Now is the time to enroll!

Here’s why…

We only allow 30 passionate and daring women to join this program at a time, and when the spots are filled…well, they’re gone.

We invite only the most sincere and committed of women to join this 4-month long sisterhood. Expect to walk away with life-long friends.


When I say, “we only allow 30 women to join this program at a time” there is a strong reason for that.

We don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. This program is customized for every single woman who joins the program.

We take the time to understand your needs and goals, and then match you up with aspects of the program that can best support you from 1:1 coaching and 1:1 mentoring to helping you design and execute a compassion project that becomes an enduring foundation of your transformation.

So if you want to be a part of this incredible community of women where we learn, grow, and become the best versions of ourselves TOGETHER, join us inside now.

If you’re still reading this page, then the offer is live. But we will pull it down once the spots are filled.

The Conscious Woman

A mindful leadership journey for aspiring women

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Don’t forget all the exciting bonuses you get when you sign up for The Conscious Woman Program today. 


Including our annual 2-Day Conscious Woman Summit – an exclusive invitation to:

  • Network with 1,000+ Women Leaders just like you 
  • Learn from 30+ World-Class Speakers, Coaches, and Mentors 
  • Insightful workshops on the aspects of your life and career that actually matter 

And I have to tell you… the Bonuses alone could be worth the entire cost of the Program (and that is no exaggeration!) 

I’ve already helped over 10,000 over the last 8 years, and 200+ women through this program alone, to take their life and career to the next level..

And I want you to be my next success story.

So, please don’t put your dreams and goals on hold any longer.

I’ll see you inside.

Please fill the details below to get on a priority list of the Shenomics’ The Conscious Woman Program 2025. 

 We will get in touch with you to answer any queries you have about the The Conscious Woman Program
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