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Is there a forgotten dream inside you…

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Dear Friend,

Last evening, I ended up watching a documentary called ‘Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond’ about the transformation of Jim Carrey into Andy Kaufman for the movie ‘Man on the Moon.’

There was something particularly poignant that Jim Carrey shared in the documentary that left me thinking…

Before “The Mask” and “Dumb and Dumber,”
Before Jim Carrey became a global sensation,
there was another Carrey who played a crucial role, but behind the scenes
— Jim’s father, Percy.

Percy Carrey wasn’t a Hollywood luminary;
He was a failed musician.

He let go of his dream to become a musician to take care of his family,
and settled into a life of quiet resignation, sorting through tax forms as an accountant.

Eventually, that ended as well.
He was let go from his job as an accountant.
That just broke him,
And he passed away not long after.

Heartbreaking, you think? Maybe. Maybe not.

This isn’t a story of what Percy lost, but about what he gained — and gave to his son as wisdom that has something for each of us…

Here’s what Percy told Jim,

“You can fail at what you don’t want. So you might as well take a chance doing what you love.” 

Jim Carrey took these words to heart, and decided to give everything to his dreams, becoming the global phenomenon that we now know him as.

In fact, so strong was his belief in himself that long before anyone even knew who he was, Jim Carrey decided he would write himself a cheque for $10 Million.

And 5 years from that day, his dream came true as he received $10 Million for ‘Dumb and Dumber.’

And the cheque that he wrote to himself? That cheque he put in the pocket of his father’s pants before he was buried.

Here’s the thing.

We often hold off on doing what we really want to do, because we are afraid to fail.

But, as Percy reminds us, you can also fail at doing what you don’t want.

So then, the choice is yours…

Do you choose to risk doing what you want, or keep doing what you don’t want?

Choose wisely. Choose consciously.

Bhavna Toor
Chief Mindfulness Officer