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WHAT IF you could do everything 50% faster?

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Dear Friend,

WHAT IF you could do everything 50% faster?

🚀 If I could waive a magic wand and give you the ability to do everything 50% faster, would you take it? 

Your initial response might be a resounding “Yes!” — more time sounds like a dream.

But, let’s hit the PAUSE button for a moment.

⁉️ What if you are moving in the wrong direction?
⁉️ Wouldn’t reaching your destination quicker land you in a place you never wanted to be?

I’ve come across so many leaders, men and women, who at mid-life wake up feeling a little lost —overworked, their health declining, and precious relationships fraying.

Further, with kids older or off to college, they are left wondering – What is the purpose of my life now?

We live in a world fixated on constant activity and “busyness.”

Your LinkedIn feed is most likely populated with several posts on time management, productivity, and the power of To-Do lists – all nudging you to cross more and more things off your list.

Yet, amidst all this frenzy, how much thought are we giving to our inner world — our vision and our values that guide us to our True North?

Here is the truth.

As a mentor of mine said:

Life isn’t about racing to an imaginary finish line where the fastest person wins. 
It’s a voyage — sometimes through still waters, sometimes through storms. 

What makes the journey meaningful is when you keep your compass pointed to your True North, so you sail not just faster, but farther and wiser.

So, how do you ensure your life’s compass continues to point to your True North?

Stop asking:

“What do I need to DO next?” or “How do I do it faster?”

Instead, pause and ask,

“Who do I wish to BE?”

“What is the kind of person, woman, or leader I wish to BE?”

“What would I need to prioritize in my life to become that kind of person, woman, or leader?”

This subtle but powerful shift from DOING to BEING allows you to live more mindfully, more consciously, and ultimately, more joyously.

As you approach the end of 2023, and look excitedly towards a new beginning in 2024, I do hope you take a CONSCIOUS PAUSE to ask this question: What top priorities will I point my personal compass to in 2024?

And to whatever that is, I say, Bon Voyage! 😊

Thank you for opening your inbox to me every Friday. I value your trust in me, and I hope to continue to bring you more wisdom next year to support you in living and leading consciously! 🙂

A very Happy New Year to you, my friend!

May you be well.
May you be happy.
May you find peace.

Bhavna Toor
Chief Mindfulness Officer